Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Choice or Chance?  Random or Purpose?  How do you think your life has been played out.  Examine where you are in life, where you live, who you love, how you spend your day.  Who do you blame or credit for your success or your failures. 

Your destiny IS determined by the choices you make.  As you make your choices; and then your mistakes...the essence of your life is how you learn from these mistakes.  Then how you make your next choice. 

Whatever limits us we call Fate.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Are you trying to get a promotion?

Are you having trouble achieving your professional goals?  Have you consulted with the mirror?

Regardless if you are happy with the results you have achieved in life or desire change, it is natural for you to want more. This is not a sign of greed, but rather a very healthy part of your human existence. Improving your professional position through promotions can be very rewarding. Conversely, a promotion could also be a disappointment, resulting in stress and even job loss.

See my published article to review the 10 Questions to ask “The Mirror”. Mirror, Mirror on the wall….

Have you seen my September Newsletter?

Do you (or someone you know) have difficulty achieving your professional goals?  Please take a look at my September newsletter.  Also, learn how you can win an iPAD!